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I think there were a few years between Sour Cream and Steven's births. Unless Greg aged that rapidly between "Greg The Baby Sitter" and "Lion 3: Straight to Video".

I wanna see Sour Cream get a girlfriend/boyfriend. I liked how he blushed when he saw Stevonnie and thought she was amazing. It was really cute especially knowing him…as long as we ignore who Stevonnie really is. Despite that, he was so chill about finding out it was Steven and Connie engaging in weird magical stuff.

You know, for characters who have been friends, they sure don't care to ever meet each other's kids. I know time flies and people get busy and stuff, but Beach City is such a small town. For a small town, nobody really knows anyone. Like Barb knew Greg but didn't know "Greg's boy" or where he lived…unless Barb knew

Sorry, I knew what you meant. I meant the OP of this thread.

I think he definitely did. I can't see him raising Steven in a van.

I don't know why people provide so many spoilers and leaks. Watching it fresh without expectation is the best way to enjoy the show. My discovery of this show was helped by not being a part of the fandom when Season 1 (A and B) was happening and slowly discovering just how deep the show was even though I was already

If you mean drawing the owner in the present, then I think Greg is the owner now. Drawing the owner in the flashback may have been nice because they didn't have to draw another character, I don't think it would have added anything. I also don't think the artists are "lazy" considering the rest of the work.

I absolutely agree. I think we're not supposed to judge his life choices in how he grew up. We're supposed to see that he did. He found life where he no longer has to mooch off other people; where he had a project outside waiting around for Rose; and, after he became a father, one where he was able to raise Steven,

I think he eventually saved up enough to buy it from the owner who was probably over having a car wash that was only busy during tourist season, or the owner gave it to him since some people are like that. Plus, I can see Greg being so awesome that the owner(s) saw Greg as his/her/their son.

I guess they're not on the same time crunch we are. We're in a hurry to find things out because our time is limited. The Gems don't have the same sense of urgency. Maybe Rose did a lot of quiet observing but did eventually realize babies came from humans and grew up to be humans, but absent interacting with them, she

This has been the best news all week.

I want to see an adult swim (not the ha ha Adult Swim but the serious Adult Swim of the old) spin-off miniseries about the Beach City (and its surrounding townships) we don't know. Maybe once Steven becomes a teenager with Connie, we'll get more interaction with it. ;)

You know, despite being a bum and not caring about Vidalia's couch or the fact that he was eating all her food, Vidalia didn't seem to mind that much despite some annoyance. She was more annoyed that he didn't leave her any though she did sort of make fun of him "working on his album" though I think that was the first

Seriously. I want to see a Peri/Lapis miniseries where they get an apartment in Empire City and get into misadventures (maybe go to college at ECU living the Greenwich Village life) only to come back to Beach City in the end.

The only real issue of the blog is that he's dating in our time (late July 2016), when Rebecca confirmed that Steven's birthday is August 15 (Same as the real Steven) and we know these latest episodes happened after Steven's birthday, and I doubt almost a year has passed since his birthday and Restaurant Wars.

Why do you think she got more flack than Lamar Abrams? Or did he get the same amount of flack? I'm just curious because I wasn't a part of the fandom to even know how much of a role storyboarders played into this show at the time. That's how I was able to watch all of season 1 totally blind to any fan theory and

I had forgotten that "Monster Buddies" was story boarded by Lamar Abrams and Hellen Jo. I wonder what Hellen Jo is up to now since leaving SU. The last episode she boarded was Rising Tides/Crashing Skies. I remember reading an interview with her, I think with The Mary Sue, and she mentioned that a lot of fans weren't

Maybe at the time those ships and other things were built, they really didn't need gem authentication tech since it wasn't until the rebellion where gems showed capacity to disobey orders and go against the established hierarchy.

What would have White Diamond done if the cluster actually went off? Why would she spend time plotting on Earth knowing that the cluster was going to explode?

You really like the depiction of Rose, don't you? To me, it seems needlessly negative even if it's obvious that Rose had her short comings and probably a manipulative side. But I don't think the positives in her should be negated. Anyway, who knows how much contact Rose had with other alien life forms.