Brian Dolan

You clearly don't get Hemingway. His writing is incredibly descriptive and some of his sentences are actually quite long. He just uses short, dense words and avoids flowery language. As far as not including his character's thoughts, look up 'Iceberg Theory'.

You clearly don't get Hemingway. His writing is incredibly descriptive and some of his sentences are actually quite long. He just uses short, dense words and avoids flowery language. As far as not including his character's thoughts, look up 'Iceberg Theory'.

Of course you can. If Bukowski had stopped writing, he would have pissed it away. Despite his degenerate, vagrant lifestyle, the man had work ethic.

you do realize that most "great American novels" fall well short of 800 pages, right? (e.g. Great Gatsby, Light in August, As I Lay Dying, To Kill A Mockingbird, Rabbit Run, etc.)

He's also not a public intellectual, he is notoriously averse to interviews and public appearances.