
Maybe 'cuz they still are together… or maybe they're just better. As in, their music is timeless, more so  than NSYNC. JT is a frikkin genius (Although only in music. He's bland in movies.)

Oh come one. It's down to personal preference- they can both be remembered as good bands. 
I always felt like *NSYNCers thought of themselves as the "cool" group, who didn't like what everyone else liked- NSYNC was something exclusive, and made you extra cool because you didn't follow the crowd for BSB.
That's the

Still guarding asses, man.

I have a similar take- when Ben Affleck is playing a role, it's Ben Affleck who is playing a role to me, not an actor who is inhibiting a role to bring a character full to flesh on screen.
And somehow there is something (maybe what I've written above is it) similar in all his roles. They are all very similar to watch.

@disqus_qmm7utZj5s:disqus Priorites, man. They chose Daredevil from that shitty movie to play BATMAN.

It's a VERY bitter pill to swallow, man. 
I was loving the idea of the project… then they went ahead and chose him for Batman. My inerest deflated.
However, they chose the amazing Cranston for Luthor, so I may still watch the movie.