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    Hmmmm Very Interesting! Can't wait to see what happens, but then I don't want the season to be over. Wish they did like 13 episodes. But that would probably kill Tatiana.

    Mine says she encounters a new ally so I'm hoping that means someone other than Paul. I was thinking maybe Scott or Duncan, since it also says she discovers a new dimension to the conspiracy. But it could be Paul his options for scenes at this point is pretty limited. So they could use him that way.

    The scenes for the finale are making me all kinds of anxious for how this story is going to end this year. I am nervous for Sarah and Cosima. I don't see Sarah dying but her being broken is hard enough. She is the heart of the story. I know everyone has their favorite clone but Sarah's journey is what binds them

    Great recap. Each week I love this show more and more. The acting is phenomenal. Stories are well constructed, so you don't feel like there is a lot of filler. Will be sad when this season ends and hope there will be a 3rd season.