Robin Armstrong

I saw BBC's Ghostwatch live, as a young teen. Perhaps even better, we switched on 10 minutes in so we literally had no idea what was going on. Every single one of my family was freaked out, until we saw the credits had the actor's names in so we know it wasn't real. Having well known BBC presenters just added to

In your highlighting of Milhouse's many contributions to this episode, you missed out the best one of all. After Lisa calls Bart a mean sneak the family go to leave and in the last shot of the scene you see Milhouse push the enormous cereal box aside and exclaim "alright!" revealing that he'd been sitting quietly

The most evil film ever made…

Very harsh review in my opinion. While nowhere near the blood pumping, visceral Trainspotting, the presence of McAvoy alone in virtually every scene superbly playing a man slowly consumed by his demons raises it to a B-. Add in some quality British supporting talent and it's a much better film than is made out here.