
There's a difference between people enjoying watching a character and that character actually being redeemed and/or being a good person. I don't think even the people who love Murphy now would suddenly call him a hero.

Okay, but objecting to killing prisoners after murdering 300 other grounders in cold blood is pretty "too little, too late" for me. I don't know, maybe some people who like this story line more might be able to buy a redemption arc after this, but personally, I have no hope.

See, this is what makes me most worried about the future of the show. I totally agree with you that they've basically ruined his character, but all the interviews I've seen with Jason Rothenberg seem to indicate he doesn't see it that way, and that the writers somehow see this as equivalent with all the other hard

I'd be annoyed by the Pike and Bellamy plot regardless, but why are so many people on this show so bad at coming up with plans? Pike seemed to think that even though his plan would be considered treason, as soon as it was done everyone would thank him? Or I guess maybe that he didn't mind if the Ark people killed him

Really disappointed to see Gina killed off so soon for shock value and probably for future Bellamy angst. Did enjoy the brief glimpse of Kane and Abby seeing grounder culture. I thought Clarke changed her mind re: Lexa's plan awfully quickly and we didn't really get to see her thought process for that at all; it