
Spirits are wise enough to avoid war, conflict and caos. They are peaceful persons, like Aang. They do not cultivate inferior feelings like humans.

Aren't you that fanboy of A:TLA that keeps bashing LOK on reviews?

So you are saying the non benders can't be just as powerful as benders? Because that's not true.

It's not a coincidence. People would not randomly get airbending. That is, because nature has to bless the energy of airbending with a character that actually fits his personality into airbending energy. Just like firebenders are fierce and etc because of their energy, airbenders also need to combine their bending

The spirits were right at not involving themselves at wars and I honestly don't blame them, and Korra was wrong for trying to use them as a weapon to win a war.

Lion Turtle was not a deus ex machina, although I don't get why people bash that tree from Korra too.
