I'm guessing since, they are spending all their money on the wedding, they had to choose to move to Schmidt's place to save money. (It also looks like the model roomates moved out of Cece's place so it would be far more expensive)
I'm guessing since, they are spending all their money on the wedding, they had to choose to move to Schmidt's place to save money. (It also looks like the model roomates moved out of Cece's place so it would be far more expensive)
Jess and Nick continuing to live together after they broke up was SO WEIRD. I get that they need all the loft members to stay together for the sake of the show but no sane person would put themselves through that. Couldn't Jess have stayed at Cece's place for the remainder of the season? (It was only 2-3 episodes)
To be fair, Jess's boss was horrendous but yeah, as many other people mentioned, she really should have filed a complaint. Especially since I was under the impression that educators have really good unions?
Yes! I know people are always wary of babies in comedies but considering a) the multiple times both Cece and Schmidt mention wanting kids b) the fact that in S2, Cece's fertility was dire enough for her to agree to arranged marriage (something she previously resisted) c) it's been 4 years since that plot
I love Ben and Leslie (and Parks and Rec will always be my favorite comedy show of all time) but their wedding always bothered me. It is not cool to get married at the spur of the moment (especially when you have already planned one a few weeks in advance) without your parents.
He's just so purely and genuinely happy to be marrying Cece, it was so beautiful to watch. I have never wanted to attend a fictional wedding more.
I get that they needed an excuse for Aly not to show up at the wedding but Tran being invited to the rehearsal dinner is pretty weird. I was under the impression those were for close family and friends…Tran getting invited to the wedding is one thing but him being invited to the rehearsal dinner is strange.
Good lord, their theoretical wedding episode would be such a glorious train wreck and I want it SO BAD.
I like Nick Schmidt. Because of course Schmidt loves Nick so much that he would even let him have his first name and go exclusively by his surname just to make him feel more comfortable. Also, you know it can't be too long based on the way Schmidt was covering it on the invitations a few episodes back.
I love Winston and Cece for comedy and Schmidt and Cece for relationship. They are legit the reason why I started binging this show 2 weeks ago. I am mystified why fans love Nick/Jess so much more than them.
Hannah Simone is super underrated in this show. I get that characters like Winston and Schmidt are more showy in their humor but Simone does dead pan like no other.
Between Jane and Michael's wedding on Jane the Virgin and Schmidt and CeCe's wedding here, May 2016 has officially become the month TV weddings ruined real life weddings for me. When they smashed the DoucheBag jar, I cut onions pretty hard.
There isn't. Some people are just frothing at their mouths for an opportunity to hate on Felicity.
Because they ended the episode with a montage of where all of Team Arrow was at the end of the season? Lance was driving away with Donna. Thea was in self reflection. Diggle was saying good bye to his family to rejoin the army. Oliver was becoming mayor. Felicity was staying in the city to help with Team Arrow…
The Felicity haters on this website are crazy.
I was so endlessly frustrated with the second season of Flash. How the hell it went from such an amazing season 1 to this shit show I will never understand. The ultimate sophomore slump.
That scene with Thea was SO WEIRD. I thought she was going away? Why is she still at her (Laurel's?) place?
I have binged this show the past 2 weeks and I feel like this season is my reward for a not so great Season 3. Nick and Jess are great but CeeCee and Shmidt own my heart so seeing them switch from professional antagonists to personal moony eyed couple was fantastic. Also, Winston referring to Jess as Furgeon's…
They showed a glimpse of her at the rehearsal and at the ceremony (when Rogelio kept on hugging Michael)-she was the maid of honor.
Wow, I am so sorry you went through that. In a perfect world, you should be able to sue your father for taking money that should be rightfully yours but I know in the real world, legal matter aren't quiet so simple.