
What an odd thing for an airline to show on their planes

I was so with you until the final sentence

I mean wouldn't you say what Refn is trying to accomplish is the antithesis of Drive? I'd posit he'd rather subvert the magic than ever recapture it.

I mean, you can't have both? Judd Apatow has built a long stream of dissenters because he's rejected the idea of the singular comedy. Apatow is almost unmatched in blockbuster filmmaking in which direction he can take an audience (from gut busting funny to gut wringing pathos). I just don't really know when people

Her remains one of the best movies of the decade.

You didn't hear? Woody doesn't own a computer that sick bastard

Do you hear yourself talk? "A women's word is credible evidence" is literally why the Salem Witch Trails happened

Ugh maybe I'm living in a fantasy land but the old AV Club didn't do these TMZ level slam pieces before

From an interview with Allen:

but Kristen Stewart and to a lesser extent Stallone are great actors.

I'll bite. What makes Woody a bad guy outside of unfounded accusations?

When is Certain Women getting a wide release? Nothing is more deflating than eagerly anticipating a March 11 release as said by Google only to realize that there is no info anywhere it playing. It shouldn't be so damn confusing

Maybe because Joe Dirt 2 isn't even good enough for Netflix

For such a big writer on the site, falling asleep during one of the most anticipated films of the year and proceeding to write the review anyways is sort of an egregious error

I'd nominate the second act confrontation between Steve Jobs and John Scully as some of the most gripping dialogue I've heard in years. It felt like the mental equivalent of any action scene I could remember.

Yes Bing Bong is quite an unsettling character