
He's sort of got one shouty yelly acting mode, and his performance is just the same facial tics over and over again.  Don't look for them, or you'll never unsee them, the way I always laugh at Jax's 'pursed lips / slight head shake / mild constipation' angry face on SOA.


The Governor would never do something that interesting.

Anyone else watching Banshee?  Due to the main character being basically batshit, it's burning the story point bridges behind it so savagely that I'm wondering how it can maintain the show going forward without it turning into a very different show due to necessity without pulling some kind of Dexter storyline flush

It's seems everyone is afraid to say it, but Rick is kind of a Cunt, right?

"Guys!   I got an army broadcast on the radio in New Orleans.  They've reclaimed and heavily-fortified the city!  We just need to get there…  Guys?  Guys???"

If the Governor did that everyone would use it as evidence that he's evil.

I was *so* close to finally shrugging and moving on after the last couple of episodes.

It's funny that every actor I used to make fun of from crappy Australian soaps is now fronting TV shows or movies.

I was *nine* years old when 'Scary Monsters' came out.  I begged for it for my birthday, because I'd seen Bowie do a stark reinterpretation of 'Space Oddity' on The Kenny Everett Video Show, having already borrowed 'Lodger' and taped it from the much older boy next door.  I remember thinking it wasn't as good,

Another critically-adored non-starter with consistently weak material:  Juliana Hatfield. I had her first three albums and can only remember 'My Sister' from the second and third.

@Cliffy:twitter   Dunno, dude.  I was having a conversation about this sort of thing with some muso friends recently, and we found it really weird that the bands of the 60's and 70's tended to persist for decades, (and even the 80's to some extent), but the 90's hypes usually flamed and burned after one or two

I actually think 1.Outside is *better* than Scary Monsters.

Yeah, yeah.  And REM's newest album is Peter Buck's favourite of their records so far, and sounds like a combination of 'Automatic' and 'Monster'.

Jeff Magnum's horrible, whiny voice is why I think those NMH albums are the most overrated things I've ever heard.  It's like Billy Corgan fucked Urkel.

I don't why people listen to albums that contain this degree of underwritten filler.  If I bought stuff like that as a kid, I felt really ripped off, and didn't keep following the bands.  I'd buy records where 9 or 10 songs out of 11 would be absolutely killer rather than 3 or 4.

I concur.  A couple of fun but unremarkable songs, and not much else.  Way overrated at the time, and, apparently, even more so now.  Abscribing any more worth to it than that is like defending a Monkees LP.

I lost it to 'Rock Lobster'.  What do you want, applause?

Sounds like that Jill Sobule song, 'Heroes'.

There's a couple of books written by underworld figures who were there at the time that flat out stage they were both so ashamed of their sexuality that they initially would only have sex with each other.  I'm sure there's excerpts online if you google it.