
Totally agree that it's cool. On day one of the first season, Rose said, "Love the hat," as Peggy came by Rose's telephone switchboard.

Thank you for your wonderful reply. I wholeheartedly agree.

The implied familiarity is exactly how I've seen Wilkes from the start. That begs the questions: Was he already familiar with Peggy? Is there more to him that we realize?

That was for the audience's sake, which is a great point. However, I see something else, which I haven't written about. From the start, Wilkes was quite forward with Peggy. The sad truth is that in the 1940s, African American men who were forward with white women without knowing them first, could be risking their

Sure, I know what she said. We saw no evidence that it was actually planted, though.

I must admit that my family and I laughed out loud when Peggy kept zapping Hugh Jones, but this and several other things have become a disturbing trend. I have loved Agent Carter as one of my favorite shows, but this week it took a very bad turn for me, as the problems finally broke the proverbial camel's back.