Santos L. Halper

If you want the soul I'll give it to you for some Alf pogs. Remember Alf? He's backā€¦ in pog form!

If it makes you feel better, he sold me his soul for five bucks.

When I gave you $5000 to invest in a Franklin, C.D., I thought you meant the mutual fund, not an actual person named C.D. Franklin.

This will be my safety school, just in case I'm not accepted into Bovine University.

I still prefer Carl's Jr slogan
"Fuck you, I'm eating!"

That's because it took 23 years to thaw him out for the lawsuit.

"If Carbone sues, we'll claim fair use, Ho-Heigh, Ho-Heigh, Ho-Heigh, Ho-Heigh!"

Larry Flint is right!!

You must love The Simpsons more than I love a cold beer on a hot Christmas morning.