
Biggest laugh for me:

I typically don't like Mike Will that much, but he absolutely crushed it on this album.

DNA goes harder than any song that I've heard in a while. XXX is fantastic too.

Eh…kinda wish they would've went with Damien Lewis

The weirdness elevated the show. The last episode didn't have as many of these aspects, and it might just be me, but I thought it was the weakest episode. I really liked it, just didn't think it was as impressive as previous episodes.

Yeah, I have faith in S2 because of Hawley. I just hope they don't abandon all of the surreal aspects of the show. The horror elements and messed mind of David provided amazing moments.

Anyone else kinda worried about season 2? The best parts of the season seemed to be the one's inside David's mind, both in terms of character moments and creatively. Now that Lenny (and everyone else) are out of his head, I'm worried the show might become a more traditional comic show. I do trust Hawley though…