
Let me guess, it will be coupled with something else I don't want to share with? Facebook, Google+? There's some kind of deal going on here. Of course, you don't have to offer this for free and I would perhaps pay, but if I have to register with one more thing that is not the AVC I am out.

When did scrolling become the new "functional design"?
"On top you find this, below you find that, and below that and further down below…"WTF? Why not have navigation bars? What's the fascination with this endless scrolling and loading more content onto the page?
Yeah, I know…stupid mobile, that's how.

I can't access my old Disqus profile…I don't know the password, so I let them send me a reminder and now I am some "smallguy" and I have a freaky username. They want me to validate, but no way. I want my Brax back…

What exactly do you like about this?
Some people seem to think this is slick or whatever. I don't find half a dozen fat pictures on my screen very attractive…

(<— Brax, not smallguy)