
Ah no way. It really sounds like "Ken." In my head that's what it'll always be…

Oh god yes this was amazing. I watched it like 10 times thinking, "Damn he really WENT for it!"

Yes! Love that they got a fairly well-known actor to play a part you just can't see at all.

Would certainly have preferred Cooper (even though I generally think Scott is fine). But I don't think Scott was given much to work with. In this series Ben is basically just a straightman to McKinley. Most of Ben's material up til now has been him playing off Susie, and their passive aggressive, theater-geek "power

I think the best fourth wall break was Andy's response to Victor:
Victor: "Why isn't anyone happy for me?"
Andy: "I'm happy for you Ken."
Using the actor's first name and cutting away with no time for the joke to land. So good.

Absolutely. I could watch the Stella guys play presidents all day. My only complaint was not enough David Wain as Clinton with that insane looking mask.

YES. That's exactly what I thought. It felt kind of disjointed with odd pacing. They do a pretty good job of stitching people/scenes together, but it's hard to recreate the dynamics performers have when they're all together.