Launchpad McQuack

My favorite part of the episode was Trump's arcane knowledge of old sitcom episodes and him recounting his liaisons at Plato's Retreat.

*Jeff Tweedy sadly whistles "Sweet Georgia Brown"*

I watched Fargo for the first time in ten years, holy hell is that a good movie.

*slips on orange peel*

That header picture was taken about 10 seconds before Blair Walsh's kick. *heads to liquor cabinet*

One of my greatest achievements was successfully bringing a scratched out Nevermind CD back to life with toothpaste.

At the Psychedelic Swamp you may see a Zen Arcade

Rose Byrne's scene in The Neighbors where Rogen has to milk her was kind of funny.

I remember Roger Ebert mentioning that quote in his review of Platoon, saying that the author of that quote probably wouldn't think that after watching Platoon.

My weirdest Madden game ever came in '08. I was the Minnesota Vikings playing the Jamarcus Russell led Raiders. I didn't allow a first down the entire game but gave up one 60 yard touchdown. I ran for 300 yards with Adrian Peterson but kept doing stupid stuff like going for it on 4th and 20 from my own 10. I was

I don't think I've seen a greater gap in likability between Interviewee-Interviewer than Tompkins-Schwartz. PFT is one of my favorite celebrities and I can't stand Benny Schwa one bit.

*Chris Tucker voice* "Are those Muppets gonna fuck Khaleesi?!"

I don't think so; he hasn't done a BM in since Week 4.
A Breaking Madden, I mean.

The Flop House should review this.

I really enjoyed it, but Mason's experience was very similar to my own boyhood so it would be tough for me to view it without rose-colored glasses.

Not a big fan of this album but I love the song "Semper Fi," it might be in my top 10 Mould songs.

That's not true! The Widow Howl App appeared on CBB in 2014.

Toy Story 2 has the most reviews with 163. That's my favorite Pixar movie; if you remove Toy Story 3 from the canon, TS2's ending is both uplifting and dark.

My favorite is 6/17/94, but another good one yet to be mentioned is No Crossover: The Trial of Allen Iverson

Plus, thanks to Joyce the date June 16th has showed up a lot in popular culture