
Agreed - they should have gone back and forth from Carol and Morgan to Daryl. The full hour dedicated to this was too much for me too.

Well that's two of us! The slurping as she pulls the lollipop out of her mouth makes me want to punch her

I loved this episode but I too could have gone without seeing Angela's resting bitch face and lollypop Dom. They do nothing for me and quite frankly, are very irritating.

No, not Dom. I don't like the character at all

I guess I'm the only one that doesn't like Dom


Agreed! They're making stuff up.

It was okay but why did they make Manson kind of handsome? In real life he was an ugly, short and creepy guy. Some of the scenes were unbelievable. This freak has your little girl and you don't do anything about it? You don't tell anyone? I'll watch one more episode but if the scenes with Manson continue to be stupid