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    because muggle-borns are not interested in muggle stuff. Mr Weasley, however, has a passion for it. People get to choose their jobs, and of course if you are going to choose a job you'd either choose a high pay one (and being the head of the misuse of muggle artifacts office is not high paying in any way) or a job

    nah i prefer being a cat rn.

    he didn't know where peter pettigrew was. When he saw the rat with one finger missing, he knew he had to find and kill it because he reconginsed it as peter

    and there are obviously lots of jobs, these are the known jobs:
    Bar maid/tender
    Broom Maker
    Curse Breaker
    Dishwasher at the Leaky Cauldron
    Desk job at Gringotts
    Dragon feeder
    Dragon keeper
    Employee of the Owl Post Office
    Head of Auror

    and what's so bad about only knowing 5th grade maths? They would have spells to figure out mathematical problems! And why would they need to all know muggle studies? Things of the magic world (witches ad wizards etc) generally don't associate with muggles so why should they learn muggle customs? If they need to

    and also, you are completely oblivious to the fact that oF COURSE there are lots more witches and wizards than those attending Hogwarts. Ugh, in harry potter and the goblet of fire ALONE we are introduced to 2 new wizarding schools (durmstrang and beauxbatons). And if you read the books you would know that in that

    and for that person who said something along the lines of, "if the game is all about the snitch, why even bother about the other balls!" Obviously you have never read the books. In harry potter and the goblet of fire, Ireland win even though Bulgaria catch the snitch. The snitch definitely helps, but seeing as

    some people are idiots XD
    in the fourth book, harry potter and the goblet of fire, we learn about depulso, the banishing charm. The ministry obviously have house elves create the food at the ministry, and then a direct route accessible only by the ministry is used to banish the objects to Azkaban. We also know from