
Now everyone knows Amy Schumer would make a terrible Klaus Barbie. What this comment presupposes is… maybe she wouldn't?

That sounds amazing. I love it when he proselytizes his crazy viewpoints.

I was reading a great historical perspective on racism, about how it started around the time of the Enlightenment where rational thought really took hold. Here's a short paraphrase:

That's probably the goal.

Get it? Because he smokes a lot of pot. Isn't that Nick Cannon levels of halayrious?

A Blaffair to Rememblack starring Tracy Jordan

Okay, I may hate the Golden Globes, but I will say that this year they didn't Golden Globes their choices up. Manchester By The Sea, La La Land, Moonlight, Atlanta, and even Black-Ish all made it. That's not a bad year. Good on ya, Golden Globes!

Oh God we accidentally started a cross on fire. Someone call the fire department and the NAACP and Jesse Jackson. This was purely unintentional.

You forgot "it's like poetry, it rhymes." 9.5/10 would cry again.

"Sorry, sweetheart, we haven't got time for anything else." :( :( :( :( :(

Podcasts are not just personal, though. That is the main issue. If she wants to gossip and bullshit and lie to her friend, that's fine. People do it all the time. But podcasts are released publicly and that's where this becomes a serious issue of misrepresenting someone's character, which is really fucked up.

Funnily enough, it was so well-received by Chinese audiences that it ended up sparking a lot of discussion as to why in the hell Chinese filmmakers didn't make anything like it. One result was the film "The Legend of Kung Fu Rabbit," which, like Kung Fu Panda, also had Michael Clarke Duncan's voice for its

What's funny is that for me it works better than the actual song order on Between The Buttons (I might be shot for saying that, but rest assured that I do love Between The Buttons).

"Wood that itwuhhhhh…."

Yeah, that's what I don't get about these arguments. Disney doesn't owe any people groups anything. If they find good creative talent to make about a place that's often looked-over, great. If not, get over it.

It's fun, sure, but then it has these super serious moments, culminating in an attempted rape. Which…. wow the 90s were weird.

I know Disney is pretty global these days, but it's an American company. It's going to take some time, as in more than a decade or two, for them to go truly global when their primary creative force is American. It may sound cynical, but it's the truth. People from the Western Pacific part of the world need to get a

I'm not sure if you're serious. If you are, I have to disagree. I have quite a few islander friends, probably three that I'm close to and a dozen or more that I know on a pretty friendly basis, and he's certainly not too far out there.

To me, saisons, sours, and red ales are the forefront of craft beer innovation. They're becoming what IPAs were five years ago: a great place to go for creativity and unique, groundbreaking takes on what beer can be.

They cause issues through aggressive marketing/distribution and undercutting prices on other, legitimate craft beers that don't have their sort of backing. Just because they don't mess with the breweries they buy doesn't mean they don't suck.