
AV Club writers have a quota of stupid unfunny snark to hit in every article. You'll see that even in every third O'Neal article, which, while always brilliantly written, ends up having some weird, over-generalizing snark toward anyone who holds a different opinion than his.

Ooooooh I memba!

Well, if there is a God, we have rejected his messengers. Everyone of our wisest people told us this is a bad idea. We shot them down. We own this one.

It's a vote. The Dems voted her in. We voted them in. We deserve this. We've brought it on ourselves.

When This Clickbait Hits 88 MPH, You're Gonna See Some Serious (Literal) Shit, Internet.

I'd love it if they made this column and its musical cousin, Power Hour, a more frequent thing. It would make me more keen to hang around.

The rabbit was there to set the atmosphere and to give a visual cue for the animal possessions stuff later in the movie, not to frighten outright.

I don't think "grim death march" is why it was the final straw for a lot of people, I think it's more that people are tired of the way it's poorly handled in the writing and pacing of the show. Everything has to be a twist, everything has to be a rug pull, and it's exhausting to the point that a lot of people are just

It's like poetry, cuz the tattoos rhyme with each other.

So he took one of the laziest plot devices in history, cranked it up to 12 (or 23, apparently), wrapped it in some James McAvoy goodness, and borrowed It Follows' cinematographer to help us forget that Multiple Personality Disorder is just as much of a non-thing as the whole 10% of your brain bullshit theory (which

This is the longest Eli Cash-ing I've ever seen.

"There's only one man I've ever called a coward, and that was Brian Doyle-Murray."


It's not about being trendy. I'm not trying to say don't drink the beers you love. Why does everybody have to be such an asshole here? I drink Miller High Life at least once or twice a month for fuck's sake. I'm just trying to say that IPAs aren't the new big thing in the world of craft beer that they were a couple of

Being a Columbia River Valley resident, I have a soft spot for IPAs, but I do have to say that they're a little 2013, and that the forefront of craft brewing innovation is pushing more into red ales, sours, and Belgians, as well as other experimentation and some fine strong ales of the European tradition.

Yeah, God forbid someone have different tastebuds than you!

IPAs are certainly all about freshness. Anything with a high hop content (and therefor a high oil content) requires freshness to keep the oils from coagulating. It's the same reason that stouts, as a rule, get better with age, but coffee stouts have a definite expiration date due to coffee being primarily oil.

Pour one out for the silent film era pornos lost to time.

Opinion: Kennedy wasn't that great.
Another opinion: Jimmy Carter wasn't as bad as most people think.

According to the Bible (specifically Jesus) there's no male or female anymore, families aren't the same, no more husband and wife, etc. A lot of people seem to miss that part. Also it says no more human bodies. So really any Christian saying they understand what's in the afterlife is extrapolating on some pretty