
Gawker? Gawker? OOOOOH! Gawker! Yeah, I remember that whole Gawker thing.

Sony's response: Now he's taking me to court, that's some real conversation for your ass.

It's the Isaac-Hayes-South-Park paradox.

Alright, here's my terrible terrible airline food story. It's embarrassing, and if you read it and know me you might have heard it before and my real identity will be outed:

Cue Cartman: "My VAGINA!"

You're right, I see that for sure. I addressed it elsewhere, and I do appreciate that your post was not low-effort or a bait-and-switch. When I said clickbait I meant more contrarian opinions that are expressed when something is well-loved or unloved (I mentioned Slate earlier, I'll also throw in a lot of

They're a unified vision, it's true. I think most people find that vision's execution to be left severely wanting.

Well, that's fair in some ways, though I disagree with the reason the prequels don't feel personal. The reason they feel less personal is because they fail to establish convincing relationships between the lead characters.

That's a legitimate point, yes, and one of the weaker parts of the video.

"Real comedy" as in comedy you like? Because now it's just a matter of taste. And if we're getting into real criticism, criticism that dismisses people's view of a film (especially in order to prop up another film) by crying "nostalgia-goggles" is pretty weak.

The compositions are fine, it's the blocking that is incredibly boring. Their point about how there is no sense of urgency because of the green screen is incredibly relevant.

We're pretty much in full agreement, then. A bit too much of that, could have used some editing down.

This new review was more of a criticism of the direction that Star Wars is headed with Disney cranking them out, and while they labored on it too much, the defense and "redemption" of those films seems to be in line with that. Also it's their bread and butter. I agree the proportion was way off.

Also, you notice that it's not like they're bringing back other stuff, they're literally continuing to cut stuff out, and so they might just turn 50% of their EXISTING reviews into this.

AV Club's current business:

They're just mad he called out their clickbait article. They could have risen above and made a good, balanced review last year that said "the prequels aren't great but they aren't terrible" and have Dowd or Vishnivetsky do it.

They didn't say it was just garbage, they specifically called out the clickbait nature of it, which you are in no position to defend because, y'know, bias, paycheck, quotas, etc.

I've heard it can't be two things, care to comment?

Eh, that's one way to read it, and the Batman of the movies gets condensed down to that, often. The other side is to read the comics where Batman is often portrayed as a philanthropist who fights poverty in his city, is actively involved in politics, and is genuinely trying to help his dying city while taking down the

You joke, but Hugh Glass actually WAS a pirate for about a year. He was shanghai'd, and then escaped because the pirate life wasn't the life for him. Him and a friend were captured by a Pawnee tribe afterward, his friend was executed, he made a deal and survived, and that's how he learned the language that ended up