
Kick Ass Torrents is the one you're thinking of. TPB is still up, just has loads of terrible ads (like more than before and more cleverly disguised).


He's got alopecia?

Surprisingly enough. This is the first one I've seen in a while where there's no big stink being put up.

Yup. People always take the bait.

People get really upset about HateSong for some reason. I'm not the biggest fan of the feature, but it's not as bad as a lot of people make it out to be. Usually. Then there was that one guy where they deleted it.

Commentariat backlash in 3… 2… 1…

Feels like anti-hype backlash, where everyone trashes a movie, then you find out it's not terrible and end up raving a little more than it deserves when, in reality, it's just pretty okay. Not a bad list outside of that, here's mine:

Yeah, especially because he gets their fucking permission to do jokes like that. So it's not attacking at all. She literally approved that joke. Not figuratively, not metaphorically, not implicitly. It happened. AV Club turns to shit when it turns to politics.

All seriousness: that's what I love about the Film Club videos. I feel like I'm getting some of the slightly more sentimental/emotional points (even if they're flawed) from Dowd and Vishnevetsky because they don't get to edit them out or morph them into real criticism. It's like a more warts-and-all looks at their

Now everyone knows that this "remarkably well-founded" theory is anything but, but what this article presupposes is… maybe it isn't?

Oh man. I just finished a replay of Ocarina and the soundtrack for the Shadow Temple and The Well are unsettling. It's like some sort of tortured scream set into an echoing symphony. There are chains and a sideways cross with an obvious pool of blood beneath it where a disembodied hand falls down and strangles you.

Oh, I'm not saying that it's even OFTEN done well. I'm just saying it can be. It's usually terrible, as every primetime police procedural (Hawaii 5-0 being the worst) will show you.

It can be done really well. Community's Subway and Honda episodes come to mind, but Adam Sandler films are historically amongst the laziest implementations of product placement.

Well, Christmas at the Woods' house is James' one reason to take 'er easy.

I thought it was James Woods in the middle of a three-day cocaine bender.

The article's great and all, and it's terrible what's happened to him, but holy shit that hair is disgusting.

A dick, man! And let me tell you something: I dig your work. Playing one side against the other, in bed with everybody - fabulous stuff, man.

You called?

Thanks so much, I won't even count it.
[moments later]
I counted it. Come on!