
So you really are like the people you supposedly despise. You're more into tearing stuff down than building bridges and seeing things get better. Is that what you're saying? Because that's just depressing and unhelpful.

I think that's why it takes grabbing a whole bunch of instances and not simply attacking one offender. Attacking one offender can turn quickly into bullying, which just creates further division. But if you bring it up and say "Hey look Hollywood is using violence against women to sell tickets, and here's ten examples"

And if that's not true to life, I don't know what is.

That's exactly it. But I think what this reveals is that people are people no matter whether they grab the 'progressive' label or not. There just aren't very many people willing to have reasoned and open opinions. Then again, there's never really been a time where humans have been like that, so I guess I shouldn't

I tend to agree, but in this case I think it provided a nice mirror to the (also kind of annoying) season 1 door-opening cliffhanger that was done with Elliott and referenced in this episode. I guess either way, bask in the glory of not having to wait eight episodes again (like the one last season) for this one to be

It kills me, man. I really want to like it here, because it's still better than 90% of the other commentariats out there, but the truth is that there's still so so so much generalizing here. I'm fairly liberal and I still can't stand the condescension. It's so uncharitable and unhelpful. Just another circlejerk.

Hey, that's fair, and I can relate to it. But you have to understand that a lot of people don't have the same experiences you've had. I mean, you don't have to, but you should. It really helps to get people over to your side because it staves off condescension and misunderstanding.

You sound a lot like them. "How can educated people not believe what I believe?! Astounding!"

If this guy really has learned his lesson, then why are we still shaming him? I'm not saying this shit is perfect, but for God's sake, it's like you assholes want these MRA morons to stay the way they are so you can shame them on comments sections around the internet. The second anyone says "oh shit I've had a change

So let's say he's actually had a change of heart, just for a moment. I know that's a stretch but what if he did? What would you have him do? I just feel like no matter what someone says, even if it's a heartfelt apology (not that I think this one's perfect) you guys are unforgiving and cynical as shit.

We're all learning. Sometimes it takes people some time to come around, and some people do need a big experience like that to even move them slightly closer. This place is so unforgiving and cynical and honestly I try to avoid AV Club articles like this because you guys are judgmental as hell.

Yeah, it was that and I think I remember him mentioning, on an episode of Harmontown, how he just wanted to troll a little because of how popular they are.

After all of those comments in the Community finale about the MCU.

With musical timing added in and the sheer number of cuts, assembly, and sourcing, I would say something like this can take up to 4-5 hours per minute, potentially longer if they're not great with keyboard shortcuts.

Klaus Barb-ie! It was right there in front of you, ripe for the taking!

Heh heh heh…. he said "pole riders."

….OF COCK! Wait, no, that's too obvious.

To be fair he was on a long drive for someone with nothing to think about, traveling and swallowing dramamine.

So basically what I'm getting from this is that the original ending, from a story perspective, was more accurate but had some timing issues, and since they were beyond the point of doing pickups, they couldn't reshoot it to make it accurate to the central metaphor of the movie (and really make it much much worse,

It's so dense, every single snow scene has so many flakes going on.