
"Oh hai doggy" - Ramsay's final words.

"I'm so pissed I wanna spit!" - Jeff Goldblum as Bruce Banner

Oh hey, I'm in the header image! I'm actually in danger of being deported from the nation I'm currently in due to some administrative errors from the school I'm enrolled in. In celebration, let's each list a foreign film we recently watched and what we noticed about it.

Chances most of these are fake? I'd say around 70%. Any other takers?

Also, that's not reproduction. That's consciousness-moving. He doesn't produce anything. He just moves. He really, really stretched this shit to make it into a psychosexual analysis. MEDIOCRE.

Yeah I don't understand why he's putting so much into this. Why not give it a C+, say it's average but not bad, and just move on?

But don't you see?! It's SUBCONSCIOUS. They don't have to realize they're doing it! There's definitely no way that Vishnevetsky's reading that into it. It's certainly not some sort of, dare I say, coincidence that Xavier and LB Jeffries both happen to be in wheelchairs.

It's ridiculous, man. I got onto this site about a year before the Dissolve exodus, and after that and VanDerWerff and a few others have left we really only have a handful of articles per week that are even worth reading. Unfortunately I can't seem to find a replacement that isn't in the same boat, so I'll probably

Donald's dead :(

"My expensive clothing line is going to end bullying and racism!"
Gold, people. This is absolutely gold.

EL VY is one of those bands that seemed to slip under a lot of radars when their album was released, which is a damned shame because the album is so good from start to finish. Such a great way to utilize Berninger's voice in a completely different context than The National.

Hey, at least when i ctrl+f'd it, yours came up. Palmer, you a busta!

I got a Coherence notification for this?

This article is garbage. Someone can be both exploited by the system and simultaneously do horrible things. It doesn't mean she was 100% evil or that the film was off base, but denying that she did those things (abusing her children, disinheriting them) does nothing but polarize and simplify a complicated situation.

Really solid compilation, though the lyrics for 'Between The Bars' are actually "People you've been before / that you don't want around anymore" which, I think, turns it more into a song about the way we used to act that we're ashamed of and really try to keep buried. Great stuff, man.

I think that's a hangover from S1, Matt being Daredevil really messed him up. He's getting a little more cynical.

I think trying to twist Punisher's backstory is a ridiculous suggestion. The Punisher is one of the trope-setters for this particular trope, and the idea that they should have to change it is ridiculous. Kingpin's origin story and character twists added depth to a very stock character from the comics, but Punisher

Sorry, you've mistaken Doc and Marty for Doc and Mharti.

Internet, you should sit down and watch Matlock reruns if you're really this bored.

Due to the fact that most of 4chan's database holds fast to their rules 1 & 2 (both rules are "Don't talk about /b/") most /b/tards won't claim credit for it outside of the chans. Combine that with the fact that bringing up a site so unsavory and reactionary is typically something most news outlets want to avoid, and