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    This show had middling-to-low ratings during its run so far;
    I don't think that'll happen (at least this time).
    But if it does happen, I think FX, TNT, AMC or BBC America on cable
    and Amazon or Netflix on the web.

    I sometimes think that is Lady Gaga when I see her, even when I know it's her.

    Girls makes me wanna be killed by a zombie.
    Lena Dunham naked is the worst thing in the world.

    Holy shit, I love House Hunters. This is the only time looking at houses can be so addicting.

    I was watching Craig Ferguson before Craig Ferguson was really cool. And I was 12 back then.

    As much as I love the comments here, what annoys me is when some of them start with "I want to like this show, but…". I understand you guys' telling your feelings toward a certain show, but come on…

    You miss Mark too?