Frank N Frank

And we have have our requisite film star making a rare TV show series appearance, Ewan McGregor. Just like Kristen Dunst and Billy Bob

Actually alcohol reduces inhibitions (which I'm sure you're aware of) so people are more likely to say or do something that they really feel deep down inside. Every hear the phrase "Honest as a drunk?"

Anyone else think he was going to go full Sean Penn mode with that pillowcase full of soda cans?

"This song's just six words long"
"This song's just six words long"

The Defenders has a chance to be something truly special, especially if they tighten up the plotting and commit to a solid 10-episode season.

A cameo wouldn't have really worked, too distracting. But a small mention from William Hurt in the scene where he rattles off all the destruction the costumed heroes caused, something along the lines of "We now have costumed vigilantes taking on organized crime in New York, people are dying!" Considering all the shit

And a 78 is technically a C+

Jabba would like a word with you

I think since the movie is like, eight years old and that twist is telegraphed rather obviously early on it makes it fair game

Wow. I grew up in Ballston Spa, lived in Saratoga a number of years and also worked in that same Strawberries during the early nineties.

That rivalry and the bridging of the two antagonists are the main reason S3 is my personal fave. Plus Bunny Colvin

I mean you could easily nominate about a dozen Wire characters from the mid-point on

I kind of put Breaking Bad in the same category as The Wire, or to a lesser extant The Sopranos, where each season increased in scope and kept adding strong new characters to the end.

Two different shitty albums released on the same day. They could have maybe MAYBE pared it down to a good Single album but I doubt it.

There was a live album where Ween tore through all five versions of The Stallion in quick succession

And didn't Still in Hollywood come in two versions? Not sure they were initially on the same record until a "best of" or B-sides release or something.

Morphine doesn't get enough love around here but their first album has "I Know You" split up as parts 1 & 2, with one a moody instrumental and the next a fully realized song. A few albums later they returned with a Part 3

Same album - "Rainy Day, Dream Away" then "Still Raining, Still Dreaming" a few songs later. But to be fair the second song is more a continuation of the loose noodling of the first

You are correct. Signatures don't need to be legible to be legally binding, and the more unique the better.

I've seen this film a dozen times, one of my favorites. Never once did I pick up on the unmarried and pregnant subtext. I feel foolish