
That is true of course…but still sometimes its the super obscure jokes that are the best.

If he was trying to go to the Superbowl, perhaps, but generally speaking, most football games don't require that level of commitment. Besides, if he wanted to go to a football game, that would have been the event. As it was, he was trying to go to the superbowl, but he had gone many times in the past, and to become

except, the fact that every other nerd wants to go isn't an excuse. It's like Burningman, once you've gone you've gone. That you may not be able to get tickets anymore is irrelevant. There are other ways to experience your obsession than going to that one event.

Thank you! misheard, but makes perfect sense…this incidentally feeds into an idea I had about how they resurrected Coulson. Did anyone think that machine looked like the machine the Leader built to resurrect Marlo?

You know, I will say I was expecting some level of physical intimacy from Sheldon and Amy from the moment they got on the train. My thinking however, was that it was going to part of his very real joy at the gift of the train ride, and a feeling of shared intimacy with Amy because she brought it to him. In an

I consider myself a real Marvel Head, but did anyone get the reference to Plotsky's frozen remains in Barrow Alaska? It was tossed out there like an easter egg, but I have no idea who they are talking about.

She didn't, caught with where they were thrown off the train, after she was. That was the point of the parallel stories it allows for her to catch up after they are thrown off believably.

not every story, especially an ongoing like this, needs to have a resolution. This was primarily a jokes episode, and jokes episodes usually end when they run out of jokes. There were never any great stakes in this episode (aside from the possibility of a lifetime ban) so there is no need for a grand emotional

It's not really the Comic Con that Penny is making fun of, it's the obsessiveness about it. She's made her piece with her friend's obsessions (in the way many sitcom girlfriends make piece with their boyfriends sports obsession or what have you) but to see them madly clicking on a refresh page to go to yet another

I really enjoyed the episode, but was really hoping when James Earl Jones Mentions his other films for Sheldon to mention that he saw Ambulance. For those not aware, that is small B film that featured both James Earl Jones and Stan Lee in one of his very few non Marvel Associated acting gigs.