Jason Patterson

How do you know what they seek? People , who you don't associate with, don't have a cultural understanding of, don't know personally(at a cultural level) & have never discussed the issues with, face to face.

Yes, the KKK is the most successful terrorist groups in history. They're cause was the fear of Black equality & Black violence. But all of this was during a time when African Americans were totally subjugated. Isn't that wild? A terrorist organization made up of a people who were apart of a controlling majority.

Your statement here resembles the imaginary fears during the tenure of the KKK, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. No Black people don't want power to be reversed. That is absurd. Changing what people want in your mind, is a convenient way to demonize them. African Americans and other people of color want…

I don't follow what you're trying to say here.

If White racism is the cause of slavery, Jim Crow, Lynching, disenfranchisement, segregation & the overall Black oppression, for centuries—Why are you equating it to name calling and the teasing? Is *quote*"Black racism"*un quote* going to cause any of the crimes against humanity that white racism has caused?

You want to "walk up to a group of black males and say some racial slurs"? Why are you unhappy about not being able to do that?

It was in the works but CBS, who owns the franchises, doesn't want more than 2 Trek things happening at once. The one going on now being the JJ Abrams movies.

In regards to number 4: BRING. ON. THE. CAPTAIN. WORF. SERIES.