
Umm… you do realize that Simpsons is a cartoon which the characters don't physically age, right? MF, everyone's getting older and a lot less funny. You can't use the same animated gags as you can on a real life sitcom. 8 or 9 seasons is usually max for a live action sitcom.

Goldberg's score once more.
So sad to see it end, so glad to see it renewed. Adam's probably going to be towering over Murray next season. Awkward lanky teenager.

I think the only thing that really made me laugh out loud during this episode was when Alex confronted Phil stating "who hasn't had their sexual awakening at 17" (paraphrasing) which flabbergasted Phil and had Alex slowly back away, indicating that she, too, had her first (and maybe only?) experience then.

You mean they didn't really fly to NYC for a 1-minute gag?

Not quite sure how many more seasons they can squeeze out of this. A lot of storylines are straight out of sitcom 101 (teenage boy hiding girl, boss guilty of coworker because he puts on brown nosing…etc).

Evan to grandma on trusting her measurements (when one arm is twice as long as the other):
"That's not even a real measuring tape. That's bubble tape".

Hilarious episode.
However, what the hell is wrong with Orlando? Why was she so pissed? I mean, Nate could have lied and said that maybe they were going to a Disney park or something in Orlando as a 'surprise'. Instead, she just got super pissed & walked away with the kids. In a small way, it just felt too much too

Do they even have an oven? Looks like could just be storage below the grill.

I really liked the episode last night. I came in a really crappy mood, and it usually takes a lot for a show to cheer me up after feeling like shit. Bob's managed to make me laugh out loud more than once, and I would have been in hysterics if I were in a better mood. Tina completely steals the show. Great voice

So whatever happened to the 7 grand? I don't recall Barry asking for it back.
Hmm, in the "early" videos of Adam & Erica's sleuthing… we mysteriously don't see Adam, and the camera is mysteriously quite tall. Wasn't this supposed to be years ago when they were younger?

The younger generation can read?

I wonder why Bob didn't catch onto Jimmy's initial reaction when he got jealous of the plaque. If I were Bob, I would have immediately hung it up to stick it to Jimmy.

I love the consistancy this series always held. From S1E02 "Crawl Space", when we first met Teddy, him & Bob were discussing the whole house setup as he was "stuck" in-between the walls & Teddy was stating:

How do you not know he was maybe born as an adult? Ever think of that? Hmm?

A wireless mic clipped on their shirt? It can easily be made inconspicuous.

- If there's one thing that screams 80's… it's Chess King!
- Obligatory Adam graphic T-Shirt of the week: Nintendo
- Looks like both Sean & Troy were in that Gyrotron 2000 with some kind of fixed camera or GoPro… yet the distant shots looks like a stunt double (lips weren't moving when they were talking). Am I right on

I'm loving this show. I can't remember how many times I laughed out loud, but so far every episode has had something new and hilarious to offer. I can't get enough of this and really want to see how it plays out. Jason Jones and Natalie Zea both play off of each other so great.

Will Hodor ever try to speak any other words? I wonder how he thinks? Does he think in just Hodors, or actual words?

Great. So I'm not the first to notice it. The first few paragraphs read in a really odd manner that I could not understand it. I came for a recap, and got a lesson that I still am figuring out.

I REALLY wanted The Goldbergs to finally show us the real Adam Goldberg, and have him on air for an interview. I was kind of disappointed with that aspect, but the behind-the-scenes was great, and makes me affirm that when I have kids, I'm going to make sure they experience my 80's culture I grew up with, too.