
I think Linda was getting into the whole baby thing because she misses it since her kids are no longer babies. It's fairly realistic as the episode in Modern Family (early on) when Gloria took Lily from Cam & Mitch for a day to go shopping. She really enjoyed the mom aspect of caring for a baby.

huh huh, you said 420.

I'd rather have Totino's Pizza Rolls than Tater Tots, but that's just me.

What's with Barry & his big ass plate of tater tots… both times?
Did mama cook it for him, or does he know how to bake his own tots? I didn't think Barry would be trusted around an oven.

Almost like a Bob's Burgers character.
I honestly wonder if that's his real hair or a wig, because that's one hell of a bowl cut!

I noticed that too. I don't get it, because they're outside in their little studio back-lot all the time, so why did they need a green screen?

Is this Adam's posse now?
Whatever happened to Chad Kremp, the so-called Adam's best guy-friend (Emmy Mirsky being the best girl…friend). Don't the Kremps live across the street?

First shot of Sue is probably what Eden Sheer looks like "de-sue-ified". Pretty hot.
I like how they really couldn't get Axl to do anything this week, so he more or less was just a voice-of-reason for Brick or crashes in Sue's dorm.

Odd question unrelated to the episode, but I thought this season was supposed to have the Bar Mitzvah "experience". Adam's real birthday is April 2nd, so wouldn't this week have been the perfect week to portray it, or is it not happening now?

This episode had me rolling a few times. I don't know why, but it all clicked together.
Phil & Mitch were a perfect pairing together. I love how Phil never took off the mask which he kept referring to it as a costume.

Well, looks like it was taken down for copyright infringement.

It was a good attempt, and those fans of it back then would definitely appreciate it.

There was just a little disconnect from this episode. I realize what they were trying to do, but one thing that really lost me is how they would put a pool in the friggin front yard ON THE DRIVEWAY, no less! Call me crazy, but all pools I've ever seen have been located in the backyard where there's at least a shred

…at least she didn't take it as hard as when she busted her lip while doing a cartwheel in "Gene It On". That was a major face-plant.

I LOVE the sound he makes as he's getting zapped. It's the same one when he was struggling to get away from Tina when he was being hauled away by the chinese finger trap.

Don't pass the cones, they're like jail bars.

Bob in a bubble-bath. That is just funny right then and there, how he didn't get that it was supposed to be just a bath for the bird.

Thing I found a little funny is that he would want to go on that type of ride when he rode the Scrambler only so he can vomit to make room for a 2nd Thanksgiving dinner.

Did you just say you love animal anuses?

I don't get it. I didn't enjoy this episode at all.
The Lisa subplot was really poor and unfunny. The only true moment I was laughing out loud was how Ralph almost always had his finger up his nose… so far, in fact, that in the 2nd shot of him in the background, you could see his finger wiggling in his nose near his