
Welcome back, Mort!
I guess he must be eating healthier, because he was only in "Stand By Gene".
I swear, Teddy is probably the funniest non-Belcher character on that show, hands-down. He even surpasses two of the Belchers (behind Tina, Bob, & Louise, of course).

Almost looked like Rudy was going to have a temper tantrum.
That would have been awesome. It still grounds his character regardless.

This season, it wasn't really laugh heavy. Some of the subject matter was either depressing, or more straight-forward. Some of it… the jokes just landed completely flat.

1> Sodder. That's how I always thought it was spelled.

Love how there was a little self-awareness now, whereas Eddie's little "entrance music" into the gym was kind of interrupted by nothingness because he had to race back outside & wheel his grandmother in.

What'd you think they were? Amphibians?

This episode, I thought was hilarious.
- Poor Louis & Jessica. Only 4 minutes alone per day, yet Louis needs just two, so they can go twice. This time, the alone time doesn't refer to doing finances, yet there comes Eddie storming in happy he has lice.

Doubtful. The episodes were filmed during the airing of last season.
It was fairly clear it was a shoulder shot, not a head shot. No well-known character has ever just been off'd without some kind of build-up to some major slow-mo or drawn-out death sequence.

That blows your mind? You do realize Tobin had name and was introduced back in Season 5, Episode 13… and has been mentioned by name back then as well? He's one of the only Alexandrians left that has a little 3rd dimension background.

Zack Handlen was referring to BEFORE they were captured when Michonne & Glenn started to head back. All of a sudden, in the middle of the woods, they were surrounded by Dwight & some saviors.

That's because it's as gouda it gets, you gouda gouda tushaus.

Ahh, and here I thought the prop department went over & beyond to make a good studio chip brand, similar to Heisler Beer used on countless shows.

You mean Hollywood actually cast someone YOUNGER than the role they're supposed to be playing? Surely you jest!

A very obvious innuendo, that's for sure.

Sad thing is, during the little "confessional" where they sit on the couch breaking the 4th wall talking to whateveritistheyresupposedtobetalkingto…
I totally expected Andy to reveal that he's a true party animal working secretly at TelAmeriCorp as a new job since Joe's grown too old for Adam… er… Andy to be the

Still, his disappearance was odd as he never came back. Was only used for the car scene w/out a word uttered.

"I never get tired of the Bev F-bombs. It just feels like an awesome trick to me now, almost like you are waiting for it. I laugh every 4 shows now with it. Just is so funny now."

I wonder if he was being sarcastic on his little solo adventures, or actually enjoyed them. Nothing's more fun than to share your experiences with someone else, especially if it's new to them.

…plus, she's in the 9th grade, whilst Adam is 11-14yrs old.

I thought it was hilarious. He wasn't screaming for help, just repeating "mama, mama"… reminds me of when Stewie kept asking for "mommy, mommy, mum, mum, mummy, mummy, ma, ma… etc".