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    Frankly, I'd be disappointed if he used conventional means to cut his hair.

    Random mobster 2: Yeah, did you not realize by now that's his gimmick?
    Random mobster 1: Yo back up man, you can't be meta on a CBS show, they might cancel us. I need this job.

    My grandmother got a machine to clean up the air in her house. It's very tall, so naturally the box is very tall too. Her cats jumped in the box for fun and then had a panic attack that they couldn't get out, until they remembered they can jump like four feet in the air.

    It really is constantly 1997 on CBS.

    Somebody should have at least asked why Luthor made personal logos for everybody.

    Marvel managed to set up a great foundation for several movies in the future, AND had Tony Stark watch Peter on youtube. The surprising trick is they made the video interesting and funny for the audience too.

    The Black Panther movie will be huge, among all others, of course. Ant-Man & the Wasp has a really good chance at being a strong runner up with that. I think it's going to surprise a lot of people.

    The more I read about it, the more unbelievable it sounds that they almost didn't have Giant Man in Civil War. The Russos had to fight to even put it in the movie.

    I don't know about you guys, I'm really excited that Joel McHale was cast in Last Man Standing.

    It's finally coming out? Felt like it kept getting pushed back and back and back.

    Will this include a lot of fart and yo momma jokes?

    Overated Occam thinks he can get more upvotes than me. I'm still polling ahead of him though. Sad!


    That sounds just like what a Donald Trimp supporter would say.

    If they really were cancelling Fantastic Four because of Fox, we wouldn't have Secret Wars with Reed and Doom as the main characters. Fantastic Four stopped being their flagship comic years before most of us were born. Even deep into Sony Spider-Man, they were still churning out seven Spider-Man comic runs. If

    Marvel did a lot of questionable in the 80s and 90s to many of their franchises and it harmed a LOT of those later runs. Avengers, Captain America and Iron Man were able to bounce back because they had strong movies to attach to them. Fantastic Four had those awful movies so there was no goodwill.

    Feige isn't beholden to the comics. He could turn around and announce that Runaway movie and they'd have to play catch up, not him. They're pushing Carol because they've always pushed her. They want her to work. She's not as bad as current Nova, but she's still an artificial push.


    Why not use Monica Rambeau? You still get to have a female character and a Captain Marvel. And you get a really cool power to showcase on screen.