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    There's a guy on neogaf who went from Ron Paul to Ben Carson to Bernie Sanders and will vote Trump in November. It's the best example of Poe's Law.

    Bill Clinton disenfranchised all those voters again.

    It's very difficult to start from scratch on a good video game movie, because video games are already movies. A lot of them are Frankenstein monster patchworks of pre existing ideas. They want to make an Uncharted movie, but, we already have Indiana Jones. Nobody is dying for a movie.

    The Professor Layton one was animated by the original animators and had the same scriptwriter, so it was able to be very consistent. The Phoenix Wright movie managed to keep all the frenetic insanity of the games.

    I think the best variation on this is from Emperor's New Groove.

    It's kind of crazy that it's NBC's longest running sitcom now.

    With today's box office numbers, Batman v Superman and Civil War look like this now.

    Are we allowed to use Imgur again or is that a dead end?

    NBC cancelled Mom Cop. :(

    I think the term is Dan Harmoned.

    Let's take a stroll back through memory lane.

    You know, we really are an Odd Couple.

    Literally any comedy he's done in the past six years.

    I'm so excited to see Matthew Perry Continues Getting Jobs renewed alongside it.

    It turns out, firing the racist producer at Marvel will be a huge benefit by 2018.

    It turns out, firing the racist producer at Marvel will be a huge benefit by 2018.

    Loooooots of syndication money. The show cost like $5 since nobody's left.

    Hello, I'm a producer at Universal. Can I buy the rights to Fartmonster from you?

    I guess they can't choose Genetic Research Day, since it's not an official day.

    It's probably why they pushed Inhumans back. They can't figure out which month it's supposed to promote.