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    It finally clicked that Rubio stole his speech from Keith David's white people approach in season 6.

    This entire election needs to be a movie or a miniseries or something.

    I like how obvious it was that he was thinking "If I just put emphasis on a different word, nobody will notice."

    If anybody wants to see it again, here's Rubio getting torn apart on live TV.

    Is that the Taft snacktime plate?

    You can't eat a president.

    The Republicans still haven't decided if the convention will be a normal one, or if everybody will have to fight in the Thunderdome. The winner of that will probably get destroyed by Hillary.

    Jeb!'s favorite team is Florida Sports Team. They really know how to take the ball thing to the thing at the end.

    Rubio would be happier if he could just sit at home and watch football, rather than do this run for president thing.

    It's amazing how Ted Cruz is supposed to be this evil genius debater who can run laps around his opponent, but his arguments are just "Bomb everything, oil, military, jesus, did I win?"

    It would almost be worth it to have him against Hillary in the general election. She would destroy him.

    Christie kept calling him out when he went to the same talking point THREE times in a row. Jeb Bush is very likely to destroy himself and Rubio. He's done in politics, but there's no way he's letting the Bush family crumble with him. He's likely going to make an example of Rubio to show what happens when you stab

    The only real positive about him being the nominee would be, should he lose, he'd be kicked out of the party. Whoever is the runner up this year will get to run again in 2020 and that's the scary part.

    He was just happy to get on stage to destroy Rubio on live TV.

    Trump looked like he was attempting to milk the situation, to do the whole "save the best for last" then remembered Kasich was still in the race so it backfired.

    Donald Trump stole Jeb's soul, sold it to the Palin machine and it didn't even impact his numbers.

    Ted Cruz won Iowa because Republicans there just vote based on who says God, guns, Jesus, guns, military the most.

    My favorite part is how they forgot Kasich was still running.

    Halfway through his brain broke and he realized they never taught him self surgery.