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    It's always so weird when I realize how conservative comic book and video game fans are. I mean, I guess it makes sense, but, I never thought of them that way.

    He looks like somebody who would show up to cut down a forest while the Lorax yelled at him.

    Great news Gamergate, you've given women in video games a bigger voice and platform. Well done all around.

    Amazing. I have another reason to see this movie then.

    Wait, really? Well, now I don't understand anything. I read early reviews that said they cut that and the brother plot, but, they're still in the movie?

    They should have kept the "I'm Mickey Mouse, asshole" line.

    As I believe I said at the time to somebody, he was doing the kind of scoring that was calling attention to itself. That doesn’t mean, as some people have interpreted it, that I wanted dull, boring music. What it means is that the music is there to enhance the scene that is going. The scene is not there to enhance the

    Rick Berman is awful. His terribleness started when he fired Ron Jones from Next Generation, because the music was "calling attention to itself."

    Deep Space Nine starts off super episodic because of the producers. When everybody focuses their attention on Voyager, that's when Deep Space Nine goes "What if we just went serialized as fuck?"

    Seasons three through six are peak Star Trek, only topped by how good Deep Space Nine gets. Then the show comes back to earth and starts to fall apart in season seven, but, it holds it together just long enough for a great series finale.

    Wasn't that the plot to Octopussy?

    Did you still have family TV hour when Crusher had sex with a ghost?

    My favorite thing about Austin Powers is that it's the exact reason we have this era of Bond. When Austin Powers pointed out how crappy a lot of the silly aspects were, the producers went "wait, is this how they see us?" So they pulled back and created this new era.

    Also, anybody watching season 2 would save themselves some time if they skip Shades of Gray. Probably one of the most pointless "oh shit we have two days and the writers' strike is coming" type episodes.

    They actually kept the brother twist? That was everybody's problem with the original script to start with.

    Adding to this, SKIP Code of Honor as hard as you can. Don't even go "How bad could it be?" It's so bad that the director was blacklisted for being a giant racist.

    If you want to skip ahead, just find the first episode when Riker has a beard. From then on, the show picks up a lot.

    Ben Carson is a great man. He helped me get through college by telling me who the best people to rob were.