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    Hey guys, great news. A family member was in the news today.

    Tekken X Taken fighting game, Q4 2018

    It's an action movie. You can just retcon them.

    That sounds like my fanfiction.

    They should do a sequel to Taken. Liam Neeson is enjoying a lovely lunch at his house. A group of armed men break into his house and steal his sandwich, right before he can eat it. He'll need to use all his knowledge to get back his sandwich and finish his quiet lunch.

    It was Shulk vs Dedede, Villager and Little Mac. Little Mac is a beast, when he's not falling to his death because he mistimed a side punch.

    Dedede is the classic plot twist villain. Mostly every game with him is:

    Oh, I remembered another one. I keep playing Smash Brothers 3DS and got a lot of funny replays. I got a replay where King Dedede kept avoiding a KO during the entire match. I knocked him off the stage at the last few seconds. He was about to recover, when I charged at him and killed both of us to get a KO on him.

    I've been wrecking people with Empoleon since 2008.

    Whatever it takes to get a good movie.

    They should make a remake of Home Alone and just use Joe Pesci's character from Goodfellas. He kills the kid in the first ten minutes and the next two hours are spent trying to deal with the aftermath and fallout of being a trigger happy goon with Joe Pesci's attitude.

    Zidane is funny. There's that symbolism, but he's also based on the same guy that inspired Goku. Which is why I miss the Final Fantasy 9 era of gaming. It's a very deep character, but it's also just literally a monkey guy based off that Journey To The West book series people love so much.

    I know a lot of people really love Final Fantasy 10 and 10-2. My biggest problem, besides the fact that X-2/10-2 is a terrible name, is the precedent it set. It's not a bad game on its own, neither is 10, but a lot of what made later Final Fantasy so bad and up its own ass started to creep in more and more there. I

    Whatever it takes to bring back Futurama.

    It's all part of his master plan. Broadcast show, get fired. Cable show that does a lot better than most broadcast shows. Get talk show. Get fired from all of them. Use experience of getting fired as proof that he knows what to say to people when they get fired. Become new host of Celebrity Apprentice,

    Remember when I said I'd kill you last? I lied.

    Is the state spider driving a tank and spinning an American flag with its web?

    I think that's one of the Netflix Adam Sandler movies.