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    Weren't you in The Cape?

    Abed once recorded everybody having a breakdown, because it made for a good documentary. He's got a lot of problems.

    Her parents seemed more willing to sweep that stuff under the rug and shower people with money than actually talk.

    I'd like to thank the cast and crew of The Cape for helping us get this far.

    NBC deserves a win. The Butcher & The Baker could be their first show to get nominated in years.

    I know that's not how awards work, but could they submit 602's end tag as a short film and 601's end tag in the best new comedy category?

    I love Chang this season. He's basically season five Chang before the finale.

    The Dean yanking the phone from a random person and fleeing the room was my favorite part of that running gag.

    We are something else.

    *wanders into room*

    Considering Chang thinks Keith David is older Troy, I love the running joke that started with him thinking Frankie is Professor Slater. It's like last year when Duncan thought Hickey was Pierce.

    One thing I like about the handling of Community is Yahoo and Hulu's treatment. Yahoo directs people to seasons 1-5 and Hulu directs people to season 6. Neither has to do it, but I like how they're allowing each other to complement the other.

    Stop saying Jesus wept.

    His second favorite is Karl Marx.

    Spoopy Doo.

    I don't know, I always laugh really hard at the Blacklist. But, this is a close second.

    Greenblatt is the Advanced Introduction to Finality ruining NBC.

    I loved that episode where Hawkeye was interviewed.

    If he liked Whitney so much, why did he cancel it?

    Hello Benjamin.