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    It depends on how much pull he has at Fox. If they're looking to slowly phase him out for a younger Wolverine, then that might be a problem. But, if he's like Fox's Robert Downey Jr, then that would be fun to see him pressuring Fox on that.

    All you'd really need is to split off a few of the characters. I think it's mostly just Wolverine, Beast and Cyclops that show up in most of the big crossovers that I've read.

    I think we'll see Captain Marvel in one of the post credit scenes. Hopefully along with Adam Warlock, since we know he's out of his cocoon now.

    I still really want the movie to start with the previous Captain Marvel. Played by like Nathan Fillion or something. There's a huge crisis and he's just "I GOT THIS." Then he dies and everybody responds "I guess he don't got this." It would ruin who Captain Marvel is, but since I doubt they'd want to do The Death

    I think the big problem too is that an origin story takes too much time to set up, when most people just want to see fighting. Guardians of the Galaxy jumped into the action almost instantly. I like the idea of having characters show up before their solo movie too. You don't really need to do as much heavy lifting.

    Luckily, I think any Spider-Man movie will be like Hulk, where the opening credits summarize it. I read somewhere that Marvel is done with origin movies starting with Doctor Strange.

    It sounds like it'll be Peter Parker for now. Who knows about the future.

    I think Netflix actually came out and said they weren't reviving the show. Yahoo is the most likely, but they're probably waiting for now. Or Sony is trying to build their own service up.

    As much as I'd love Yahoo, I feel like it won't. They passed on Enlisted back in June, which makes me think they want to see how Community does before they pick up more. It's possible that Sony could put Happy Endings as the jewel of the Playstation Vue, which is likely to go online around the same time as this

    It makes sense in a way. Sony has had a pretty awful development year. Happy Endings is their next biggest show too. Arrested Development seemed to have worked well for Netflix, who knows about Community yet though. There's too much noise and smoke now for it to just be seasons one through three on streaming

    It would be the most mean spirited thing to pull on a fanbase that wasn't even expecting a revival of the show. It would be like if Dan Harmon posted on June 30th about season six, then went "lol jk show cancelled."

    The week Community returns, Glee airs the final two episodes.

    At this point, it seems almost certain those are phase 4 movies.

    Or Infinity War and Crusade with evil Adam and woman Adam.

    Looks like phase 3 is getting shuffled up a little bit.