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    Make sure to cast Sean Hayes as somebody. It's a rule at NBC that Sean Hayes must Sean Hayes Sean Hayes in all Sean Hayes related shows.

    Joe Adalian @TVMoJoe
    The Lyon roars louder: #EmpireFOX went UP again in the ratings, rising to a 4.3 A18-49 (from 4.0 prelim last week). Amazing.

    Summer is a state of mind. It's like Saturday Night Live. It says Saturday in the title, but that's just a suggestion. It could air on a Friday or a Monday, or even a Tuesday.

    Even for this dictionary, that's a horrifying way to go.

    And that's terrible.

    I can't tell if it's funnier that he just answers doors like that, or if he likes to stand across the street and piss off his neighbors.

    I would watch the Superman movies if he started acting like this. He just goes around making car piles and staring at sleeping women.

    My favorite one is the random story arc where Green Lantern becomes obsessed with ducks.

    I hope they use it in the show.

    I feel bad for him. I can just imagine him showing up and going "I'm always hungry because my snakehands eat everything. :("

    He is a sane genius. Just look at the poetry in this one.

    My mom saw Poltergeist in a cheap theater. She said halfway through the movie, the film caught fire and everybody in the theater lost their shit.

    Superman is just like "What the fuck you going to do, call the cops?"

    I love how awful these are.

    Super Dictionary. It was an awful DC book in the 70's that used words like kids were stupid. Here's a few examples:

    This was my first thought.