
You can't buy love, but you can rent it for 3 minutes!

I'm surprised Lucifer made on it onto the list, considering it's based on a single character from Neil Gaiman's "The Sandman" and hasn't even aired yet.

Loving this new column. I hope at some point Matt Fraction & David Aja's work on Hawkeye is covered. I haven't seen anyone pack as much emotion into a single drawing as Aja.

I honestly don't know. She had like, what, one line in the entire movie? Just to tell Harry where the goblin serum was? Way to plan for the future, Sony.

I'd also like to stick Felicity Jones on here for The Theory of Everything and The Amazing Spider-Man 2. It was kind of ironic seeing her as the useless secretary and mere months later having her get nominated for best actress.

"If it's clear and yella, you got juice there fella. If it's dark and brown you're in cider town."

They could have got him cheap in the early 2000's when he was just starting out. On Firefly.

I feel like Fox could have saved some time by just bringing back Firefly.

I'd agree with that. Most of the 'Family Guy' oriented jokes were pretty grating. (Although I did enjoy the meta humor on occasion).

The glory days of both shows may be behind them, but I actually enjoyed this (Once they got to Springfield, anyway). Maybe it just the fun of seeing the two franchises riff off each other, but I had a few laughs.

If i recall correctly, Tekken Tag Tournament 2 has a Wii U version out.

That was actually pretty enjoyable with the exception of whatever that cat thing was. The last thing Popeye needs is a Snarf.

Wait, Doctor Who is involved now? I wonder where the BBC stands in all of this..

I literally just found out about that. That is the timeliest reference ever. Bravo, sir, bravo.

HBO traded this show for POGS!?

I'm still of the opinion that "Beginnings" is the finest episode in the Avatar franchise, but Book Three of Korra could very well be the finest overall season.


That's right. My Dads were all prison guards until the feds shut that place down and built that high-tech lockup from Blues Brothers 2000. I tell ya, that place is a hellhole. I like my prisons to have a little character, y'know?

I'm still hoping for a big 'Every Avatar Ever' team-up for the eventual series finale. They can find a way!