
Agree completely with the review. All that remarkable talent, gathered into one place, utterly squandered by the most amateurish writing imaginable. Perhaps part of next season's "reimagining" could be hiring someone with writing talent to produce actual scripts.

I like Capaldi. It's the writing this season that's been awful.

How did the Doctor not recognize the Master at first? Timelords have repeatedly been shown recognizing one another, even across regenerations.

Osgood's not dead. You heard it here first.

"12 endlessly banging on the Tardis console after his brief hopes of finding Gallifrey vanished."

Osgood is very likely not dead. That bit of the Master's kit was a teleporter, pressed into service as a weapon, but not inherently destructive, I suspect. That also explains the Doctor's willingness to use it against the Master - to keep Clara from crossing a moral line he, himself, knew wasn't there to begin with.

Good finale, mostly. Horrible, disjointed season leading up to it.

Well, the kid's old enough to speak, and mostly find them himself given a few resources.