it is a controversial opinion but personally i think it is ok to punch nazis in the face when theyre like "hm what was up with a mosque being in a lovely white city like montreal anyway" the night of the shooting
it is a controversial opinion but personally i think it is ok to punch nazis in the face when theyre like "hm what was up with a mosque being in a lovely white city like montreal anyway" the night of the shooting
I was going to say wapo will be fine so long as richard cohen continues to be a very shitty very white very old very dog-whistly man but looking at his last few editorials I'm incredibly surprised and you might actually be right about them being first if there's ever one to go.
it is for sure the least-punk-inspired album of his but probably one of the best from start to finish, and i say this as someone who thought WDELH had maybe one track i might skip if i was in a hurry. sleepdrone/superposition released as a single last year exactly when i needed it as my body was also failing so i'm…
sounds like this dude need a safe space
hey my dude u better stay out of the "food" section u may have an aneurysm
i would argue james mcavoy is exactly james mcavoy sized
awkwafina is the stage name of a rapper guys it isnt that complicated
wish you were more like dr. johnny leaver ha ha
darin are you sure you know how analogies work
isn't that channel's whole evening schedule anchored by her show? it feels like glenn beck and his bunker full of gold would at least try a little harder to keep her than they would most anyone else. he's got a channel that you can only watch with a three-generations-too-old roku at this point, so I wouldn't be…
thanks darin kiss my ass tho
"megyn kelly has turned face" is exactly how i broke this news to my wife. "you remember when mizdow finally stood up to the miz? well…"
she's a borderline socialist compared to the rest of her former coworkers at fox news at this point
I don't know about a M3 release here at this point. it feels like, with the way nintendo handles a lot of fan projects, if they were intending to release an english version, the fan translation would have been pulled by now. that said, just like I bought the VC edition of earthbound even though I already owned the…
I am sure I will be overwatch-ing in between fits of mankind divided and the last guardian that were given to me this season. PSN is hatchc2.
"i looked up what lena dunham said and i shouldn't haaaaave" -open mike eagle
a less compelling argument for an "apology tour" for glenn beck when outdated-roku-channel sensation The Blaze is his baby and home to great minds like tomi lahren
I was at bonnaroo because my wife and her sister reeeaaally wanted to go a couple years ago and one of the few acts I was blocking time for was a 75 minute set lauryn was scheduled to do around 8 PM or so. she never seemed to show and I think the three of us ended up leaving to get a spot for kanye later that night…
when i read the original review for hitler's folly it was kind of like, man, if you're going to make a joke about holocaust denial, you better knock it out the fuckin park. but the last 60 days or so have really re-framed a "comedy" film about holocaust denial into something a lot more, uh…sinister.
zachary i am glad you shared this