
How's that Barry Obama workin' out for you?

See, here's what I don't get…and I hope other AV Club commenters will help me out because many of you are the most articulate Internet commenters I've ever met.

Critical joke analysis maybe, but now you've just broken the metaphor because films and television are anywhere from half an hour to three hours long. I can understand to some extent the idea that posting spoilers to films in unexpected places is a dick move, but decent critical analysis by and large just starts and

This. Leave it to someone else to speak more eloquently than I can.

Okay, imagine someone stole $20 from you. Okay, now imagine they stole it off a stack of one million $20 bills. Getting spoiled sucks, he's not arguing that, what he's saying is that you're missing out on the enjoyment a stack of cash brings getting pissed off about the guy who stole your lunch money.

I think they're harmful in the sense that they are a potentially thoughtful, informed, engaged audience member and critique participant who is lost to rage and fear.

I don't think he's "pro-spoilers" or encourages them." That label doesn't make sense. This reminds me of (in America, anyway, you say you're not here) we have "pro-life" people who want to ban abortions and by calling themselves that, they implicitly are calling their opponents "PRO DEATH" which is silly.

Questions for the AV Club commentariat because I have my opinion, but I'd rather hear other people talk:

You know what I would totally watch instead of this? A Scorsese/Bourdain HBO show about a young chef opening up a restaurant called Nasty Bits in New York. Holy shit, if any TV execs are reading this—you're fucking welcome.

"a single, strange event that either proves the existence of God or disproves it—or suggests that even if he does exist, he’s as terrifying and random as everything else. And there will never be an answer. There can’t be."