
I wonder if you're thinking of the recent "The Accountant" trailer which used that song…?

I like that reading, although I'm not sure I understood the updated Hosts to have access to all their memories at once. It seemed as if their memories mimicked ours in a way, in the sense that while we do have the ability to remember many things that have happened to us, we only actually access them when something

Well, it has a pretty labyrinth map-like look to it, and there's a stick figure standing at the center. The Man in Black also seems pretty specific in wanting to take it from that one saloon croupier character in particular, saying that he has the answer for some reason.

The only thing about the pilot that was an "uh oh" moment for me was that scalp map the Man in Black consults at the end. It just seemed bizarre narrative-wise (what possible function would a map on the underside of a Host's scalp serve, and for whom?) and overly on-the-nose in the way it dovetails a Western trope,

I'm assuming we're going to see them again, and that there's more going on there. Isn't the little kid who was scared of the horse and who Dolores brought over to feed it the spitting image of the kid in the photograph that Dr. Lowe (Jeffrey Wright's character) looks at briefly and stuffs back in his pocket?

I had the same thought, but it seems like the update was maybe just rolled out, and it's taken the other updated Hosts a lot longer to start to be affected by it. Whereas Harris appears to be very in the know about the reality of the Hosts versus the Guests.

It seems that no matter whether you think Harris is a Guest who's been visiting the park for the last 30 years, or a Host who's been online for 30 years (and has now become aware of the whole Host/Guest dichotomy), the question is: why is he now all of a sudden pursuing whatever intention he's pursuing? What's changed

One question (and sorry if this was already brought up elsewhere on the board): although it was comparatively more subtle than the Fleetwood Mac-fueled epic coda, there was another moment in the ep that stuck out to me a bit. When Stan is chowing down on pizza with Philip and complaining about work troubles he says,