
I think the spambot forgot to spam.

Quick, clone Patton Oswalt so he can kill one!

… I got Beth. I don't know what that means.

Pfft, wasn't DS9 written by one?

Do you also have black friends when a racism discussion happens?

This is the saddest thing.

All I know is that if most of the problems you face are from mean people on the internet, you're a piss-poor "social justice warrior".


Guessing you're a Derek?

I dunno - I don't really see the cast as being the weak point of this movie. I'm expecting any potential failures to come from Snyder and Goyer.

Yeah, but the only characters in there who hadn't been previously established were Falcon, Batroc, and a particular guy from HYDRA (and maybe Rumlow/Crossbones, but he wasn't all that prominent).