
Apparently so boring you forgot her name was Hoshi.

But who could forget Tom Baker in that role?

Quick, give the Juggalos a reason to hate KISS.

I hear Edgar Wright is available.

Not if Goyer has his way with MM!

"Hey everybody, an old man is talking!"

What a cheesy insult.

Fellas, please!

I tried, but the theater was so packed that I ended up sitting in the literal front row. I ended up leaving to vomit because the viewing angle wreaked havoc on my brain.

Actually, Planes was an officially-Disney-produced spinoff. Pixar's involvement was mostly just Disney allowing Lasseter to have a story credit.

You seem irrationally angry about someone asking a question.

Nah, modern fedoras started out as the trademark of assholes, not just misogynistic ones.

As a brony, I would appreciate not being connected to the shitshow of Marvel's fumbling television attempt.

It's due, I think, to the Disqus paradigm changing without a clutch. Folks here had individual Disqus accounts separate from the general Disqus accounts, and then trying to mash those two into each other was poorly implemented, hence all the problems.

The only thing I'm honestly hate-watching is Sword Art Online II.

I assumed Lena Dunham had to wash herself with a rag on a stick.

Creeper = Scrawler!?

*feels shame for being a man that knows what wedges are*

Would you believe it's been renewed for season 7?

Skyler Stone?