
okay that's fair enough ha I thought you were being serious never mind I take that back

no being funny but maybe you should make your comments more understandable before posting them jesus

5sos have such a young fan base right now because they started on youtube. their fans were roughly their age and grew with them so it makes sense that they have this fan base. they never try to look perfect ever. have you seen Michael Clifford on stage he wear the same shirt three nights in a row c'mon their clearly

they aim their music at 16+ thanks bye

pop music definition - 'commercial popular music, in particular accessible, tuneful music of a kind popular since the 1950s' the key word here being 'popular'. if you think back only 4 of their songs have been somewhat popular and that was only for about a week. after that they fizzled out, lost all their 'fake' fans

no because unlike most musicians now they have actual pure talent so bye

really okay bye

why are you so against these guys huh? please explain a legitimate reason to me, because to me you sound like some middle age man whos life is down the shitter and instead of sorting them selves out instead choses to slate off other peoples lives. tell me have you ever listened to their new album because trust me they

what are you on about? why are you saying its not okay? I said they ae saying it is okay to talk about

look all these negative comments are pathetic. they have said multiple times in interviews that they don't care what genre they fit into, because they are simply making music for the pure fact that they love it. They want to spread messages to their audience that life Is never going to be easy and that its okay to