A world of hurt? Perhaps there's a War Doctor kind of episode coming up.
Tied up with barbed wire, in a pose, very Carcosa.
This is what happened to the Others — and how lucky they were!
Seeing Richard Alpert, I was quite thrilled they managed to sneak a "time machine" joke into the script!
"Mass Casualty Event" is in the works for a particular location, 40.71448 by -74.00598, which is The Sun Building on Broadway in New York. Looks like Harold's library.
Or the Machine's desire to have a mate.
First you'll have to find the version of yourself that *is* a successful thief.
Morty Jr becomes Film Crit Hulk?
Not a lot of women in this movie, huh?
Sho has always been the least interesting character to me — yeah, totally fine with flying the coop. Besides, I think the dynamic of Jessa, Marnie, and Hannah could be so much more electric if it's just the three of them.