
I think only a few people truly understand the dark comedy of the situation. I was laughing so hard during last episode, and believe me, Phil is the worst- but that's what makes it so funny. It's honest. The image of himself, being a valiant hero during this apocalypse and with a pretty girl by his side isn't his

My theory is that Stan's bro had to do a bunch of illegal biz in order to write down stuff in those journals and was already a potential target to the government before he left. After he left he faked his death so that the scandals would go away and eventually Stan would take his place and help him get back.

This episode…. WOW. Brain explosion. Was that the season finale?
Well, here is a theory.
Stan's bro, Stanley, is the kid's grandfather and left the journals so that Stanford could fend for himself while Stanley explored the galaxy from that time-space-thingy that Stanford made. In order to make the machine, Stanley had