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    I agree with you to a point…where did he flirt with her and encouraged her? We saw him through Jane's perspective and he even told her that he saw her as a sister UNTIL she gave him that racy letter. This character gets blamed for everything and it's ridiculous. Him remembering stuff about her is not flirting because

    Someone throwing themselves at my fiancé has nothing to do with my feelings because i'm not insecure enough to be with someone and worry about them suddenly catching feelings out of the blue. Clearly that relationship would already have issues and be unstable already. And he was NOT throwing himself at her. He was

    Because someone flirting relentlessly equates to someone catching feeling? Please! A) They were BOTH flirting with each other and b) he was her crush and she CHOSE to seek him out and do things for him so they could spend time together. SHE chose to comfort him after the thing with Petra. SHE chose to tell him about

    I really didn't get why M wasn't watching or holding Mateo.

    Ok a) Rafael didn't steal Jane. She chose to leave Michael and explore her feelings for Raf. The fact that M can't even acknowledge his part in being the catalyst to push them together is ridiculous and beneath the show to glorify it so M can still be spotless while Raf is the bad guy. She is just as culpable as he

    I'm sorry but THAT we don't know about yet so I am definitely reserving my reservations.